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We couldn’t do it without the help of your donations, and our supportive network of contributors! Currently, we have different tiers of donation from: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.


Join Us!

If you’re interested in joining us, but not ready to become a full member yet, then click on the button down below so we can put your name into our system so we can give you updates on upcoming events and get-togethers!

Become A Member

How do you become a member? You will need create a new account with NOMA Membership Portal. Follow the directions on how to pay your dues online.

Are you a current member, already have an account, and need to pay dues? Great! Click on the link below to take you to the NOMA Membership Portal.

Membership Fees are calculated by a combination of national dues + local chapter fees. For example, if you are student the national due is $45 and MSP NOMA chapter due for students is $40, so your total membership fee is $85. Below is a list of national dues and MSP NOMA local chapter dues.

  • National Dues

    • Student: 45.00

    • Emerging Professional (0-3 years): 140.00

    • Associate (3+ years): 175.00

    • Licensed Professional: 250.00

    • Allied Professional: 250.00

  • MSP Local Chapter Dues

    • Student: 40.00

    • Emerging Professional (0-3 years): 60.00

    • Associate (3+ years): 60.00

    • Licensed Professional: 70.00

    • Allied Professional: 65.00